MIRBI-2 Complete Kit

Patricia A. Pimental and Jeffrey A. Knight
SKU: 9150
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Patricia A. Pimental and Jeffrey A. Knight

Ages: 20 through 80
Testing time: 25 to 30 minutes
Administration: Individual


The Mini Inventory of Right Brain Injury–Second Edition (MIRBI­-2) lets you quickly screen clients for neurocognitive deficits associated with right hemisphere lesions. Its development meets the need for a brief, standardized, right-brain injury screening instrument that yields severity levels for deficit areas. Test reviews and professionals’ comments from the field were incorporated into the new edition.

Features of the MIRBI-2:

  1. More data were collected on normal, right, and left brain injured individuals.
  2. The number of cases in the interscorer reliability study was increased and relevant analyses were conducted on the expanded dataset.
  3. Many new validity studies have been conducted, with particular emphasis on the relationships of MIRBI­-2 scores to other measures of neurocognitive impairment.
  4. A principal components factor analysis was performed to test construct validity of the items.
  5. Each item in the test was reevaluated using conventional item analysis to establish the underlying statistical foundation.
  6. A revised Right­Left Differential Scale was created with an updated cutoff score for right brain impairment.
  7. A table for converting raw scores to percentiles and stanine scores was added.
  8. The rationale has been updated to reflect current trends in neuropsychology.
  9. The test booklet was revised to include more user-friendly areas for recording patient information, as well as revised criteria for scoring patient responses.
  10. A tear-off response pad has been added for additional convenience, featuring a response sheet for items 1 and 2 on one side, and the Reading Ability paragraph for completion of items 7 and 8 on the other.
  11. A caliper is included for convenience and to standardize administration across examiners.

The MIRBI-­2 was normed on 128 right-brain injured people. Reliability was estimated by coefficient alpha (.84). All item discrimination coefficients exceeded .3 acceptable levels and ranged from .37 to .81, median: .57. Inter-rater reliability was .99. Concurrent validity was very good and included the study of left-brain injured participants and control participants without brain injury.

COMPLETE MIRBI­-2 KIT INCLUDES: Manual, 25 Examiner Record Booklets, 25 Report Forms, 25 Response Sheets, and a Caliper, all in a sturdy storage box. (©2000)

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