Introduction to Sound: Acoustics for the Hearing and Speech Sciences

Charles E. Speaks
SKU: P683
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Details: 448 pages, Colour Illustrations (2 Colour), Hardcover, 178 x 254, 2.2k

Included Media: Companion Website
ISBN13: 978-1-94488-349-2
Release Date: 03/04/2017


Fourth Edition

The beloved classic textbook, Introduction to Sound: Acoustics for the Hearing and Speech Sciences, is back in a new fourth edition and continues its aim to teach fundamental concepts of acoustics to students in communication sciences and disorders and related disciplines. Students in speech, language, and hearing science must have a thorough understanding of the elements of acoustics before they can successfully embark on more advanced study of both normal and disordered human communication.

The textbook is known for how acoustical concepts have been made understandable for all students, not just those who are already grounded in mathematics and physics. The book is appropriate for undergraduate courses in acoustics for speech and hearing and hearing science, as well as related courses in audiology.


  • New chapter on room acoustics (Chapter 10) summarizes relevant concepts for classrooms as well as discusses principles and methods for assessing speech intelligibility/understanding
  • Chapter 3 on acoustic impedance is now a freestanding chapter
  • Each chapter includes Practice Problems
  • Several other chapters have been reorganized to achieve an improved focus and more logical flow of concepts
  • Now includes a Glossary of key terms
  • Information has been made more concise
  • Access to a PluralPlus companion website that includes resources for both students (practice problems) and instructors (PowerPoint lecture slides and related links)
  • Availability of 17 computer animations on the web to illustrate, in slow motion, elements of acoustics that are ordinarily too fast to visualize


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