TTAP-CV: TEACCH Transition Assessment Profile, Computer Version

SKU: 13708
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Gary Mesibov, John B. Thomas, S. Michael Chapman and Eric Schopler

Ages: 9th-12th Grades


The TTAP-CV serves as a companion to the TTAP print version. Together they create a system designed to support the development and documentation of goals for transition planning and career/job training.

The CD-ROM includes the same steps used in the print version; plus additional features, including:

  • Users enter information into easy-to-use interface screens, and the program automatically processes the data to create reports.
  • The program helps school districts meet the reporting and transition assessment requirements of IDEA and will be an invaluable resource for the development of individualized educational programs and transition plans.
  • The system can be transferred to and used by adult service providers throughout the adult’s residential and vocational career to help assure continuity of programming.
  • The TTAP-CV assists with the maintenance and creation of learner reports and stores them in a central database.
  • Users will appreciate the easy data entry features including pull-down menus, auto-fill text, instant time and date stamps, and instant year, month, and day age calculation.
  • All of the pop-up lists of statements are customizable and allow users to add their own domains and objectives, depending on the needs of the individual as well as the cultural differences of the region in which the system is used.
  • An enhanced report feature allows users to enter narrative summaries and recommendations. All TTAP-CV summary reports can be printed for sharing with parents and service providers.

An Installation and Support Guide is provided on the CD in .pdf format. It has instructions and tips to get you started. The program will run on Windows 2000 and XP and Macintosh OS X 10.3.9 or higher.

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